Licence: Public Licence
Vorbereiten von csv-formatierten Datenbanken/ Tabellen für ein Upload nach NOW.
How to prepare csv-formatted databases/tables for uploading to NOW
NOW.CX and the chart problem or liberalising the access and use of statistical data
NOW.CX und das "Chart-Problem" oder die Liberalisierung des Zugangs und der Nutzung statistischer Daten
Handelsstreit US-EU und wie die EU dagegen halten könnte (Statistik als Waffe II)
USA gegen EU: Statistik als Waffe
European debt crisis: documenting public deficit policy and possible impacts on employment
Often used abbreviations
Der tendenzielle Fall der Produktivität im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
EU-Leistungsbilanz falsch?
AllThatStats new - the reference in time series statistics
ATSnew Tour - really short guide for first time visitors
Confidentiality in foreign trade statistics
Find the best time series
Create and use an index over time-series data
Create a Pie Chart
How to create a country comparison
Volatility (financial markets)
Balance of Payment Statistics (BoP)
The Corn Report
Income Quintile Share Ratio
Massive Data Analysis
Massive Data Analysis
Gender Employment Gap
EU Arms Exports to Egypt (or the limits of official statistics)
Least Developed Countries (LDC)
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCS)
Agricultural Holding
Intermediate Consumption / Intermediate Expenditure
Gender Statistics
Taxing Wages
Output Gap
Potential Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Communications Statistics
Social Statistics, Quality of Life
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries statistics
Government Finance Statistics
European Fiscal Compact
External debt and related flows
Debtor Reporting System (DRS)
Exports/Imports of goods and services
Disposal income/ National disposable income
Domestic/national savings
Public/private investment
General government final consumption expenditure
Value added
System of National Accounts (SNA)
Currency conversion factor
Special Drawing Rights (SDR) exchange rate index
GDP deflator for constant US dollar series
GDP deflator for national currency
Prices and Exchange Rates
European Union Production Statistics EUROPROMS
Industrial Statistics - "International Standard Industrial Classification" (ISIC)
Productivity Statistics
Environment Statistics
Internet Statistics
Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics
Income, Wealth, and Poverty Statistics
Health Statistics
Education Statistics
Lisboa (Lisbon) - a statistical sightseeing
Income Distribution: GINI Index
Unemployment Statistics
Income Statistics
Employment Statistics/Labour Force Statistics
Short Introduction to "AllThatStats now"
Inflation/Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Intra-Extra-EU Trade Statistics
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Income/Product (GNI/GNP)
Housing Market Statistics and Building Permits
Population Statistics
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DSI Data Service & Information GmbH