Income Statistics



Definitions by source:

Income – Eurostat, Statistical Office of the European Union

"According to Article 24 of the Fourth Council Directive income contains the following items:

  1. Net turnover.

  2. Increase in stocks of finished goods and in work in progress.

  3. Work performed by the undertaking for its own purposes and capitalised.

  4. Other operating income.

  5. Income from participating interests, with a separate indication of that derived from affiliated undertakings.

  6. Income from other investments and loans forming part of the fixed assets, with a separate indication of that derived from affiliated undertakings.

  7. Other interest receivable and similar income, with a separate indication of that derived from affiliated undertakings.

  8. Extraordinary income.

  9. Profit or loss for the financial year."

Source: OECD, Paris

Income – System of National Accounts (SNA)

"Income, as it is generally understood in economics, is theoretically defined as the maximum amount that a household, or other unit, can consume without reducing its real net worth.

Disposable income in the System of National Accounts is equivalent to the economic theoretic concept only when the net worth at the beginning of the period is not changed by capital transfers, other changes in the volume of assets or real holding gains or losses."

Source: OECD, Paris

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